Benzodiazapines Overdose Deaths Increase

Benzo Xanax Valium Klonopin Overdose Deaths Increase The benzo family of narcotics—Xanax, Valium, Klonopin ect continue a drastic increase in overdose deaths according to latest statistics. You do not have to be another number on a graph—stop your benzodiazepine addiction dead in its’ tracks with the help of Bright Futures Treatment Center . Our all-encompassing approach that caters to a male audience will assist you in your individualized recovery and detoxify you safely so you can receive much needed therapy and treatment. If you or a loved one struggle with benzo abuse, call our addiction hotline immediately at (844) 762-3700 to connect with a trained care coordinator.. Benzo Overdoses On A Drastic Rise We can stop the upward trend of fatalities with comprehensive addiction treatment. What is causing this spike in benzodiazepine overdoses? We can only speculate, but with doctors handing out prescriptions like candy,...