Benzodiazapines Overdose Deaths Increase
Benzo Xanax Valium Klonopin Overdose Deaths Increase
The benzo family of narcotics—Xanax, Valium, Klonopin ect continue a drastic increase in overdose deaths according to latest statistics. You do not have to be another number on a graph—stop your benzodiazepine addiction dead in its’ tracks with the help of Bright Futures Treatment Center. Our all-encompassing approach that caters to a male audience will assist you in your individualized recovery and detoxify you safely so you can receive much needed therapy and treatment. If you or a loved one struggle with benzo abuse, call our addiction hotline immediately at (844) 762-3700 to connect with a trained care coordinator..
Benzo Overdoses On A Drastic Rise
We can stop the upward trend of fatalities with comprehensive addiction treatment.
What is causing this spike in benzodiazepine overdoses? We can only speculate, but with doctors handing out prescriptions like candy, it was always only a matter of time until many people became physically dependant and later addicted to Xanax, Valium, Klonopin and other similar benzos. Luckily, Bright Futures Treatment Center specializes in the successful treatment of benzodiazepine dependency with a combination of evidence-based, results-driven therapy methods such as individual counseling and group therapy sessions, along with a holistic approach that includes:
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Weekly Outings
- Wellness/Nutrition
- Physical Fitness
- On-site Chiropractic Care
- And Much More!
End Your Addiction To Benzos NOW
According to the statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in our infographic, benzo related overdose deaths increased almost 900% from 2001 to 20014. The substance abuse situation in the country is at epidemic proportions and Bright Futures Treatment Center has the tools and knowledge to assist in stopping the continued increase in overdose deaths. A benzo tolerance develops quickly and must be addressed before a full fledged addiction and physical dependency develops. If this stage occurs, our trained professionals offer safe and comfortable detoxification services to rid your body of the harmful built up toxins. After the detox is complete, we welcome our clients to attend our day/night addiction program with comfortable luxury community housing. We also offer intensive outpatient services (IOP) and a strong aftercare support program. Do not delay; pick up the phone and contact our admissions office right now for an evaluation of your addiction at absolutely no charge!
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